Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Class Exercise A: Creativity Amplifier

First in-class assignment..

We were tasked to create a device/machine that could amplify creativity by 100 times. Wow.

First thing that came to me mind was... Omg. First assignment of the semester! My mind went blank for a moment. Then the most obvious of ideas came to mind. Why not simply use an amplifier to amplify and some device to receive and transmit the ideas?

At times, good designs do not necessary mean coming up with a whole deal of complicated out-of-the-world ideas that upon laying eyes by the layman draws a big question mark.

The idea that i came up with may not be brand new or very much creative, but the picture explains itself and is easily perceived by its observer.

-Creativity does not necessarily equate to innovation; turn old ideas into new ones.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Design vs Art

Day 1 of school, first lecture of the semester..

Well, 0ne key concept that intrigued me is the difference between design and art covered in today's lecture.

While it was commonly known that design = art and vice versa, in actual fact a design involves more than mere artistic talent itself. It has more restrictions, a specific target audience and a message to be conveyed. Designers are tasked with problems by their clients, and challenged to use their artistic abilities to creatively solve the problem and mould the end-product suited to the liking of one's client.

On the other hand, a piece of art commonly involves a problem in which an artist comes up with and aim to solve or express the problem using one's creativity, almost without any limits in presentation and end product.

-Anyone can be an artist, but it takes more than art to be a true designer.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Adobe Illustrator

First lesson..

Well it was my first time using adobe illustrator, under proper guidance. It was a fun process of discovering how to trace outline for real objects and turning them into vectors. We were taught how to add gradient onto vectors, and being ambitious i tried to add patterns and shadow.

And viola! With a touch of photoshop, here is what i came up with...

-Walking on the flip-side of life.